Monday, January 19, 2009

Setting up s/w raid on gnu/linux

note to self mdadm can be used to create raid volumes easily in the below way. mknod -m 0640 /dev/mdX TYPE MAJOR MINOR chgrp disk /dev/mdX mdadm --create=/dev/mdX --level='RAID LEVEL' --raid-devices=n /dev/sdXX /dev/sdYY RAID LEVEL can be any value from linear, raid0, 0, stripe, raid1, 1, mirror, raid4, 4, raid5, 5, raid6, 6, raid10, 10, multipath, mp, faulty. Eg: Creating a RAID 0 with 2 physical devices /dev/sda1 and /dev/sdb1. mknod -m 0640 /dev/md0 b 9 0 chgrp disk /dev/md0 mdadm --create='/dev/md0' --level=0 --raid-devices=2 /dev/sda1 /dev/sdb1 mknod is quite important, as otherwise mdadm will complain about non-existent device. Make sure to specify unused MAJOR and MINOR numbers when creating the (block)device. Refer to mknod man page for more info. As usual, i keep forgetting this important step, and keep running in to trouble. Very useful guides are here and here. Some guides seem to suggest that the s/w raid configuration should be put on to a /etc/mdadm.conf, but i think this is no longer necessary. From what i've gathered, the actual RAID configurations are kept in a superblock in member physical devices. The linux kernel identifies the and reads out that information from the physical devices( partitions ), at the boot-up, and they have to be of the type 'Linux raid autodetect' OR 'fd' for this to work properly.

changing opnsense mtu

 note to self When an OpnSense is deployed on Proxmox environment where MTU is <1500, it doesn't seem to auto-detect and leaves the O...